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Monday, November 05, 2007
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Service, or lack of...
Damn cable company told me 2 weeks ago that they would have someone at my house to install digital phone on the 10th of Sept. Then, when I called yesterday I was told the appointment had to be rescheduled because they needed time to allow MCI (my telephone company) to release the number. So, I thought, who needs the old number that bad anyway and asked if I didn't want to keep the number, could they install the phone any faster. My regualr phone has had so much stitic that the caller id doesn't even work. And the answer machine doesn't recognize the buzzing as a voice and so it never records anything. It's nearly impossible to understand anyone on the other end. Anyhow, they said that instead of installing digital phone with my old number on the 25th (!##%*&!) They could do a "new" install on the 24th! WHAT??? SHIT. I told them that if I had known it was going to stretch out this long I would have gone with Vonage, which is cheaper anyway! The girl said sorry...
I had called in about 4 trouble calls on the telephone line I have now. Told the girl each time that the problem was in their line. I had tested my inside lines and even connected a phone direct to their wire coming in and STILL had static. She said she would have someone check it within 10 days. (10 DAYS?) On the 10th day I receieved an email stating that the service order was closed and if I had any questions to call. I checked my phones and they were still screwed up. Called them and the girl said the serviceman was there around 3:15 PM and determined that I had a short cicuit INSIDE my home... Sarah was next door with the neighbor during that time and I asked her if she had seen any phone trucks out in front. She hadn't. The woman said she could send an inside technician to fix my problem. I told her No, and that I would be looking for another carrier. No apology or anything...
Now, I am stuck without a phone until at least the 21st, which was the earliest that the cable company could send someone to install after I called and complained AGAIN. I say, if they are that busy, they need to hire more installers!
I was telling a guy here at work about my troubles and he said it's just like here. He told a pipefitter that a hose needed to be replaced on a piece of equipment and the pipefitter said he needed a part number... Grover told him, to measure the hose and order one the same size, that he didn't need a part number! The pipefitter said that they usually send the old hose out and ask the company to make them one as per that example. I said, Shit, my daughter could be a pipefitter! What the hell are we paying these so called service technicians for???
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Monday, July 16, 2007
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Monday, July 02, 2007
Lake's up!
Well since all the rain we've gotten this year, the lake is up to above normal. That's good to see. I've gotta take time to do some fishing... Tis is part of our cove and what once was a fishing pier. Hey, this property hasn't been kept up for the last 15 or so years! It'll take time and money to rebuild everything.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
My "Spare" Time
Hey, you can play my mud game, telnet to the BBS, etc from this one page.